Mikrotik devices are a Latvian manufacturer's product for network and wireless applications. Mikrotik devices have a very wide range of configuration options. The router provides services such as VPN, RADIUS, HotSpot, VLAN, QoS, a fully programmable firewall, and many more.

How to Manage Mikrotik Devices

For initial setup of Mikrotik devices, we need WinBox software. We can download the software from this page: https://mikrotik.com/download. After starting WinBox, log in to Mikrotik via the default IP address: and login: admin and blank password.


Port sharing outside the local network

Without any major problems, we should be able to go through the Mikrotik tutorial and have a pre-configured network. If we have a static IP address, to share the port outside the local network, we open the IP > Firewall > NAT tab

We add a new entry by selecting the blue "+" icon in the upper left corner.

In the "General" tab, complete:

  • ⭢ Chain: dstnat
  • ⭢ Dst. Address: our external IP address
  • ⭢ Protocol: the type of packet we will send
  • ⭢ Dst. Port: external port appended to the end of our external address

Then we go to the "Action" tab

Here we supplement again:

  • ⭢ Action: dst-nat
  • ⭢ To Addresses: destination ip address in our local network
  • ⭢ To Ports: the port of the local IP address entered above

Finally, we select "Apply" and confirm with "OK". Our local device should now be visible from our external address.